Welcome to my house..
The House where 2 Australians, 1 American and 1 Greek lived a year..
where a Brazilian lived for 5months.
a House that hosted parties.. GREAT parties;
"Opening", "Come as you are not", "I remember the night when...", dinner parties, movie parties, 80s nights..
sporcle nights... :)
a House that hosted people from all over the world; 1 month living with 15 more people, Lucy & I being the "hostel" managers- which coach is free tonight? which part of the floor? how many changes will we have tomorrow?
that hosted friends, hosted lovers, hosted family...
a House that hosted great conversations:
what are the drivers of the world today? what are our thoughts? why this is happening? how should i react?
a House that lived laughter, crying, love, fear, pain, ultimate friendship, jokes, happiness, fights, bad smells, floods, broken pipes, cold, sun, flowers, creativity, candles all over the place...
that is equiped with "recycled" furniture, posters, DIY constructions (our table, our selves..)
..drilling holes on the wall, taking the HORRIBLE garbage bags from the back yard when we came, the dead mouse, painting our walls, putting the fingerprints of our first visitors on the hall way, leaving messages of love & friendship on the black board, living for 2 months without hot water & heating system, having bucket showers, super barbeques, improvising, having crazy combinations of food for dinner..
The House of Action.
The Winners of Life.
Making the best (& the worst) of every day.
Creating our own family; our own world with our friends that we totally love..with our adventures & stories of which some will and some will not be forgotten.
A house that with a great frequency experiences arrivals, departures, arrivals and again departures...
soon, will experience one more departure, a big- no- return- departure from the current crew..
but as for its residents, for the house as well, this will also mean a new arrival!
New people will come for sure. New stories will be lived. New secrets will be said.
As we will continue our lives, as we will open a new cycle, the house will go through the same experience.. with us!
And as we will always remember each other..
as Marcio, Annika, Lucy, Kate and Sophie will always love & remember each other, we will always remember our house..
Same with our friends, and our visitors.Same with our team!
This is our House!
The House of Action! :)
See? In the end, we fixed it! We made it what it deserved to be!
And it will be always in the stories of AI 0809!
π- it s meaning and importance
When i was in school, and i was having my history & philosophy classes our professor told us the story of π.
π= 3.1415926535897932384664338327950288419716939937510
the mathematical constant of the circle' s circumference..
the constant that shows balance, the golden line.
mmm... circle.. balance.. perfection.
The circle is a perfect symbol- every part of the circle has equal distance from the center; the real conversations happen in a circle- where everyone has the same power, where if one person leaves the circle will close without being spoiled and when a new person is coming in, the circle will welcome him/her again, without the dynamic to be changed.
a circle of an experience; the spyral- the evolution.
the power of the circle
Anyways, the story is about π!
Do you know that ancient Greek words can be translated in mathematical forms?
So the word αγαπη (love) translated in mathematical form is 3,14, which is... π!
Not at all strange, as π symbolises balance, love symbolises balance.
If we take away the ego emotions that associate love with pain, the pure love, the love that means serving and being unselfish brings balance.
The love that is in the nature; the love that is in the mother for the child..
This is how our ancestors, related love with god; unselfish love, a love that is a principle of christianity in its theory.
Interesting, nah? π= αγαπη (love)= balance= being unselfish= god..
So... i think that this means.. that love is god; or god is love!
Yea.. it s love.
Love is also a unique characteristic of the human being.
Of the core of what a human being is.
So, I think that when we, the people, the humans that conquer the Earth and try to master Nature, will connect with our core, with what and who we really are...
the world will be better; because we will be serving, we will be offering, we will be respecting.
As Juan always tells me "Be good. Give good and good will come back to you" :p
Maybe it s true.. maybe it s not.
But still, i think we should be giving & doing good.
It s in our nature..
In love, in the nature, in the balance, in the golden line, in the circle, in π.
Thank you Mo mu :)
π= 3.1415926535897932384664338327950288419716939937510
the mathematical constant of the circle' s circumference..
the constant that shows balance, the golden line.
mmm... circle.. balance.. perfection.
The circle is a perfect symbol- every part of the circle has equal distance from the center; the real conversations happen in a circle- where everyone has the same power, where if one person leaves the circle will close without being spoiled and when a new person is coming in, the circle will welcome him/her again, without the dynamic to be changed.
a circle of an experience; the spyral- the evolution.
the power of the circle
Anyways, the story is about π!
Do you know that ancient Greek words can be translated in mathematical forms?
So the word αγαπη (love) translated in mathematical form is 3,14, which is... π!
Not at all strange, as π symbolises balance, love symbolises balance.
If we take away the ego emotions that associate love with pain, the pure love, the love that means serving and being unselfish brings balance.
The love that is in the nature; the love that is in the mother for the child..
This is how our ancestors, related love with god; unselfish love, a love that is a principle of christianity in its theory.
Interesting, nah? π= αγαπη (love)= balance= being unselfish= god..
So... i think that this means.. that love is god; or god is love!
Yea.. it s love.
Love is also a unique characteristic of the human being.
Of the core of what a human being is.
So, I think that when we, the people, the humans that conquer the Earth and try to master Nature, will connect with our core, with what and who we really are...
the world will be better; because we will be serving, we will be offering, we will be respecting.
As Juan always tells me "Be good. Give good and good will come back to you" :p
Maybe it s true.. maybe it s not.
But still, i think we should be giving & doing good.
It s in our nature..
In love, in the nature, in the balance, in the golden line, in the circle, in π.
Thank you Mo mu :)
HOME- the Earth
Earth is our HOME; see below the trailer of an AMAZING movie;
how the humans have changed the balance that is so essential for life? what the effects of it? how the planet, the life, the nature, our lives will be influenced & changed in the near future?
If you want to watch the whole movie, click HERE
how the humans have changed the balance that is so essential for life? what the effects of it? how the planet, the life, the nature, our lives will be influenced & changed in the near future?
If you want to watch the whole movie, click HERE
The Planet
Take some time and watch it all.. and think about you and your impact to the environment, our environment..maybe we can still fix things but it will take so much effort..because its us who caused the damages of this large scale in the first place..and its definitely only us who can change it..
Tsosmi' s statements
"Throwing art at your houses.
There will be a city that will really belong to her citizens; where they will be free to write whatever they want on the walls, shape the public spaces as they wish...
Today i ve dreamt of a city different from the one that i m living in..
A city full of tall buildings and pirate flags..
A grey city full of colors and lights; drawings & quotes on her walls.
A city with really tall trees and ivys, drowning her buildings.
A city full of sounds, noise and music.
A city where bridges connect the balconys.
A city full of festivals and creativity where the people dance, love and share"
This is the city i want to live.. adding the bikes.. :)
Σε αγαπω Τσοσμηηηηηη!!!
"Throwing art at your houses.
There will be a city that will really belong to her citizens; where they will be free to write whatever they want on the walls, shape the public spaces as they wish...
Today i ve dreamt of a city different from the one that i m living in..
A city full of tall buildings and pirate flags..
A grey city full of colors and lights; drawings & quotes on her walls.
A city with really tall trees and ivys, drowning her buildings.
A city full of sounds, noise and music.
A city where bridges connect the balconys.
A city full of festivals and creativity where the people dance, love and share"
This is the city i want to live.. adding the bikes.. :)
Σε αγαπω Τσοσμηηηηηη!!!
Where would you like to wake up tomorrow?
ah.... :) i will keep this to myself this time... :)
Fifty People, One Question is a simple project with surprising results. We go to a place, ask fifty people the same question and film their responses.
Visit the website here
ah.... :) i will keep this to myself this time... :)
Fifty People, One Question is a simple project with surprising results. We go to a place, ask fifty people the same question and film their responses.
Visit the website here
What would you wish to happen by the end of the day?
By the end of today... i wish i will be able to have a wish for every day... :)
Fifty People, One Question is a simple project with surprising results. We go to a place, ask fifty people the same question and film their responses.
Visit the website here
Visit the website here
ok... there is hope!!! :)
What comes to my head when i think about bicycles;
morning, going to the office..
students are going to school, old ladies are going for shopping, families have their kids in the front sits.. everyone is biking!!!
Crossing the Erasmus bridge with Annika & Mauricio going to Hotel New York.. looking up the beautiful metal white lines as i m running under them, the sea is sparkling under the sunshine...
Going with Lucy to the flea market buying veggies, fruits, flowers and many other house stuffs, putting them all on our bikes, struggling to fit everything in the pockets, the bike itself and our hands and backpacks..
Trying to find balance with Deepti, the two of us on the bike, looking desperately for beers in the middle of the night, or going from the office at home and back...
Falling off the bike in the middle of the biggest crossroad with Sofia, while driving her to the train station..
Drunk night/early morning drives back home, not able to see in front of me, but happy after chilling, dancing, laughing, loving, caring, fighting and all these cool things that happen when you are out with your friends!
feeling free..
like a kid ready to explore the world!
I wish bikes will come in Greece as well.. giving the chance to people to be more free, more happy, feel on their faces the wind, the smell, listen voices & noices, go fast, balance, be fit.. ;)
Today i m happy because i found that there is hope..
Randomly came across a wonderfull blog of a greek cyclist, exploring Athens- my favorite city, with his bike- my favorite transport mean (together with trains & planes) art, people, places- my favorite things sharing stories, thoughts, emotions, experiences... i will follow his stories here; it s a good inspiration & preparation..
i think i m less afraid that i m going back :)
What comes to my head when i think about bicycles;
morning, going to the office..
students are going to school, old ladies are going for shopping, families have their kids in the front sits.. everyone is biking!!!
Crossing the Erasmus bridge with Annika & Mauricio going to Hotel New York.. looking up the beautiful metal white lines as i m running under them, the sea is sparkling under the sunshine...
Going with Lucy to the flea market buying veggies, fruits, flowers and many other house stuffs, putting them all on our bikes, struggling to fit everything in the pockets, the bike itself and our hands and backpacks..
Trying to find balance with Deepti, the two of us on the bike, looking desperately for beers in the middle of the night, or going from the office at home and back...
Falling off the bike in the middle of the biggest crossroad with Sofia, while driving her to the train station..
Drunk night/early morning drives back home, not able to see in front of me, but happy after chilling, dancing, laughing, loving, caring, fighting and all these cool things that happen when you are out with your friends!
feeling free..
like a kid ready to explore the world!
I wish bikes will come in Greece as well.. giving the chance to people to be more free, more happy, feel on their faces the wind, the smell, listen voices & noices, go fast, balance, be fit.. ;)
Today i m happy because i found that there is hope..
Randomly came across a wonderfull blog of a greek cyclist, exploring Athens- my favorite city, with his bike- my favorite transport mean (together with trains & planes) art, people, places- my favorite things sharing stories, thoughts, emotions, experiences... i will follow his stories here; it s a good inspiration & preparation..
i think i m less afraid that i m going back :)