When i was in school, and i was having my history & philosophy classes our professor told us the story of π.
π= 3.1415926535897932384664338327950288419716939937510
the mathematical constant of the circle' s circumference..
the constant that shows balance, the golden line.
mmm... circle.. balance.. perfection.
The circle is a perfect symbol- every part of the circle has equal distance from the center; the real conversations happen in a circle- where everyone has the same power, where if one person leaves the circle will close without being spoiled and when a new person is coming in, the circle will welcome him/her again, without the dynamic to be changed.
a circle of an experience; the spyral- the evolution.
the power of the circle
Anyways, the story is about π!
Do you know that ancient Greek words can be translated in mathematical forms?
So the word αγαπη (love) translated in mathematical form is 3,14, which is... π!
Not at all strange, as π symbolises balance, love symbolises balance.
If we take away the ego emotions that associate love with pain, the pure love, the love that means serving and being unselfish brings balance.
The love that is in the nature; the love that is in the mother for the child..
This is how our ancestors, related love with god; unselfish love, a love that is a principle of christianity in its theory.
Interesting, nah? π= αγαπη (love)= balance= being unselfish= god..
So... i think that this means.. that love is god; or god is love!
Yea.. it s love.
Love is also a unique characteristic of the human being.
Of the core of what a human being is.
So, I think that when we, the people, the humans that conquer the Earth and try to master Nature, will connect with our core, with what and who we really are...
the world will be better; because we will be serving, we will be offering, we will be respecting.
As Juan always tells me "Be good. Give good and good will come back to you" :p
Maybe it s true.. maybe it s not.
But still, i think we should be giving & doing good.
It s in our nature..
In love, in the nature, in the balance, in the golden line, in the circle, in π.
Thank you Mo mu :)
you messed up in pi. its 626. noob.
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